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Attitude of the International Students Towards Integrating ICT in Foreign Language Learning: A Case Study
, Nafis Mahmud Khan,

The study investigated the attitude and the awareness of the foreign students about the role of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in learning English and in overcoming the language barriers. The purpose of the study was to explore the use of ICT in enhancing the English language skills among the international students at a university of India. In order to collect the data, a survey was conducted and questions based on the objectives of the study were asked to the international students. The findings of the study suggest that students integrate both synchronous and asynchronous mediums like mobile applications, watching movies with subtitles, games, and YouTube to enhance their language proficiency. Moreover, the students prefer learning the language passively at their own pace and space without being actively involved in the learning process. Further, the international students at the university have positive attitude towards the use of technology to overcome foreign language barrier.

Information and communication technology Technology-enhanced language learning Social networking sites Mobile-assisted language learning
Journal or Conference Name
ICT Systems and Sustainability. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing
Publication Year