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BIoT: Blockchain based smart agriculture with internet of thing
, Tajim Md. Niamat Ullah Akhund,
Despite what the media can have us to think, blockchain has a broad range of applications outside of cryptocurrencies. From health resources to regulation, real estate, and finance, innovation is poised to transform a wide variety of industries. In any case, agriculture is a little-studied industry that blockchain might completely transform. Our general public is supported by this massive sector, which does not be as appealing as banking or medical facilities. More importantly, it has a slew of issues that need to be addressed right away. With the use of information technologies, we expect the agricultural sector can become more secure, transparent, trustworthy, and constructive. The proposed model combines AI, IoT, and Blockchain to develop a smart and futuristic agricultural system that provides farmers with a secure and open transaction approach to rich, new, and effective decision support that can specifically create the scope of greater agricultural process productivity and help farmers maximize their benefits. And we believe that the agricultural sector will benefit from the benefits of information technology.

Blockchain , IoT , AI , Smart AgriTech
Journal or Conference Name
2021 Fifth World Conference on Smart Trends in Systems Security and Sustainability (WorldS4)
Publication Year