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A Hybrid Genetic Based Approach for Solving Vehicle Routing Problem in Cold Chain Logistics Distribution
, Ramayah Thurasamy,

In order to solve the problems of slow convergence speed, high total distribution cost, long total distance, large number of vehicles used and long algorithm running time in the process of solving the cold chain logistics distribution vehicle routing problem by genetic algorithm, the hybrid genetic algorithm is used to study the cold chain logistics distribution vehicle routing problem. By establishing the distribution vehicle routing problem model under the dynamic network and introducing the time window to optimize the model, the distribution vehicle routing problem model under the dynamic network of cold chain logistics with time window is constructed. Therefore, the mountain climbing algorithm optimizes the genetic algorithm and obtains the hybrid genetic algorithm. The hybrid genetic algorithm is used to solve the constructed model, and the relevant analysis results are obtained. The experimental results show that the hybrid genetic algorithm is superior to the genetic algorithm in terms of speed and accuracy. The total distribution cost is low, the total distance is short, the number of vehicles used is small, and the operation time of the algorithm is short. The analysis results are more in line with the actual needs of logistics distribution, and have important contributions to the development of logistics enterprises. It can effectively control logistics costs and improve customer satisfaction. © 2023, Success Culture Press. All rights reserved.

Journal or Conference Name
Journal of Logistics, Informatics and Service Science
Publication Year