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E-waste Management and Recycling Model for Dhaka with Collection Strategy Application: A More Effective and Sustainable Approach
, Mohammad Shamsul Arefin,

E-waste, which contains chemicals and metals, is a term used for abandoned electronic devices. The increasing use of electronic devices has made it difficult to handle the enormous volume of e-waste due to a lack of a strong organizational and governmental e-waste management infrastructure in developing countries. To reduce the harm to the environment and human health, scientific methods must be used for e-waste disposal. The Azizu Recycling and E-waste Company Ltd.‘s recycling and management models have been analyzed and compared, and a new model with an environmental pollution control system, sustainable reuse plan, detailed recycling process, suggested landfill away from residential areas, and an app system for e-waste collection has been proposed.

"Electronic gadgets e-waste disposal Recycling Effective execution"
Journal or Conference Name
Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems
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