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An approach to Arduino Uno-based smart car parking system
Md. Thoufiq Zumma, Raihan Khan, Abdullah Aas Suhaeel, K. B. M. Tahmiduzzaman, Mahmudur Rahman, Md. Firoj Ahmed,

Since both the population and the number of cars in Bangladesh are growing quickly, a modern parking infrastructure is crucial. Since there aren't enough places for people to park their cars efficiently, more and more drivers are having to leave their cars parked on the road, contributing to congestion and a halt in the flow of traffic. Only approved users are able to park their vehicles in our automated parking, making it a secure and convenient option for car storage. When there is less traffic on the road, there is less pollution from the cars and trucks on that route. There is no possibility of paying a bribe to park a car since the whole system is computerized. Better infrastructure can be built since all the money will go to the government.

Arduinoembedded systemIOTModern citySensorsmart car parking
Journal or Conference Name
2023 14th International Conference on Computing Communication and Networking Technologies, ICCCNT 2023
Publication Year