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Transparent Blockchain-Based Electronic Voting System: A Smart Voting Using Ethereum
, Md. Selim Hossain,

The research work scrutinizes an e-voting concept that is on the platform ethereum blockchain. Ethereum is a distributed computing platform that is free, open source with the functionality of smart contracts. By utilizing this depiction, it is feasible to originate engrossing scientific prominence which enables the thoughtful in sober fact collaboration occurring in the blockchain. E-voting is the most accepted worldwide because it is a tool that every moment signifies the democracy of the election. Consequently, most of the countries persevere to experiment and development of the e-voting process. Blockchain technology is responsible for a decentralized design that designates advanced data simultaneously among the P2P network barring a central database. At last, the experiment addressed the debilitation of the existent e-voting method and successfully fruitful blockchain technology to unravel that feebleness.

E-voting, Blockchain, Ethereum, Smart contract, Authorization, Decentralization, Security and privacy
Journal or Conference Name
Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communications Technologies
Publication Year