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A Policy Framework for Improving E-Waste Management in Bangladesh
, Professor Mohammad Shamsul Arefin, PhD,

This paper aims to show the importance of e-waste management techniques for environmental sustainability, proposing a policy framework for improving e-waste management in Bangladesh. E-waste is one of the world’s fastest-growing waste categories, expanding at a rate of 3–5% each year. Our main focus is to develop a better concept for an e-waste recycling system that is both sustainable and energy-efficient. The study examines the policy, its shortcomings, and the accompanying concerns and options for addressing this rising problem. Therefore, this paper suggests that e-waste policy development may necessitate a more personalized approach. This study provides a thorough overview of Bangladesh’s generation of electronic and electrical waste, as well as current, sustainable e-waste management initiatives and the recycling industry. Several environmentally friendly E-waste management strategies have been put forth, along with potential roadblocks to their implementation.

"E-waste Sustainability Recycling trade E-waste management"
Journal or Conference Name
Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems
Publication Year