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A class of exact isotropic solutions of Einstein's equations and relativistic stellar models in general relativity
Mohammad Hassan Murad,

In this paper we have studied a particular class of exact solutions of Einstein’s gravitational field equations for spherically symmetric and static perfect fluid distribution in isotropic coordinates. The Schwarzschild compactness parameter, GM/c 2 R, can attain the maximum value 0.1956 up to which the solution satisfies the elementary tests of physical relevance. The solution also found to have monotonic decreasing adiabatic sound speed from the centre to the boundary of the fluid sphere. A wide range of fluid spheres of different mass and radius for a given compactness is possible. The maximum mass of the fluid distribution is calculated by using stellar surface density as parameter. The values of different physical variables obtained for some potential strange star candidates like Her X-1, 4U 1538–52, LMC X-4, SAX J1808.4−3658 given by our analytical model demonstrate the astrophysical significance of our class of relativistic stellar models in the study of internal structure of compact star such as self-bound strange quark star.

Journal or Conference Name
Astrophysics and Space Science
Publication Year