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Personalization of Job Circular Announcement to Applicants Using Decision Tree Classification Algorithm
F. M. Javed Mehedi Shamrat, Md. Zahid Hasan, Pronab Ghosh, Zarrin Tasnim,
While looking for jobs, job seekers like to register themselves in different job portal that has a huge number of job circulars. As from all the job circulars, it is easier to look for the job of their liking. At the same time, these job portals gather some information on the jobseekers that they use to apply to different jobs. Whenever a new job circular is posted in the portal, it is advertised to the job seekers through email notification. To make the email notification more personalized and relevant to the job seekers, a decision tree algorithm is implemented. This decision tree makes the decision of which job circular should be advertised to which job seekers based on the job seeker's field of interest, expected salary and experience. This helps jobseekers relate to the notification and be more engaged in the job portal.

Decision Tree , Data Vectorization , SMTP Server , Email notification
Journal or Conference Name
2020 IEEE International Conference for Innovation in Technology (INOCON)
Publication Year