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Implementation of an Intelligent Online Job Portal Using Machine Learning Algorithms
Zarrin Tasnim, F.M. Javed Mehedi Shamrat, Khobayeb Ahmed, Naimul Islam Nobel, Shaikh Muhammad Allayear,

Business intelligence and analytics are data management solutions implemented in companies and enterprises to collect historical and present data, while using statistics and software to analyze raw information, and deliver insights for making better future decisions. In the circumstances of today’s world, to survive and established own business need an analytical and find an easiest way or intelligence business model. The main objective is to examine the performance of various Machine Learning algorithms in order to perform with the system of an online job portal. This proposed module integrated with three phase such as, the Clusters similar kind of job search phase (CSK) is a way of knowing the demand is to create a visual graph showing clusters of similar kinds of job searched by the job seekers in the website of the job portal, the email notifications send phase (ENS) is responsible to send email notifications to the job seekers when a job circular is posted in the website, extract the job circular phase (EJC) is the way to extract the job circular post from the career section of each of the company’s website. The result shows the successful clustering of similar job search, email notification send to specific people and extracts the information from the web.

Machine learning algorithms Intelligent online job portal K-means algorithm
Journal or Conference Name
Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems
Publication Year