Every year thousands of lives pass away worldwide
due to vehicle accidents, and the main reason behind this is the
drowsiness in drivers. A drowsiness detection system will help to
reduce this accident and save many lives around the world. To
defend this problem, we propose a methodology based on
Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) that illustrates
drowsiness detection as a task to detect an object. It will detect
and localize whether the eyes are open or close based on the realtime video stream of drivers. The MobileNet CNN Architecture
with Single Shot Multibox Detector is the technology used for this
object detection task. A separate algorithm is used based on the
output given by the SSD_MobileNet_v1 architecture. A dataset
that consists of around 4500 images was labeled with the object’s
face yawn, no-yawn, open eye, and closed eye to train the
SSD_MobileNet_v1 Network. Around 600 randomly selected
images are used to test the trained model using the PASCAL
VOC metric. The proposed approach is to ensure better accuracy
and computational efficiency. It is also affordable as it can
process incoming video streams in real-time and does not need
any expensive hardware support. There only needs a standalone
camera to be implemented using cheap devices in cars using
Raspberry Pi 3 or other IP cameras.