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Implementation of Real-Time Automated Attendance System Using Deep Learning
Hafiz Mahdi Hasan, Md. Al-Amin Khan, Md. Mahfujur Rahman,

In comparison to general manual operations, contemporary technology always saves time and is often more hassle-free when it comes to verifying human authenticity using their biometrical components. However, despite the fact that face recognition technology has been used in a variety of sectors such as human identification systems, this work is the first to describe how the Face Recognition Technique can be integrated with a deep learning approach. Advanced deep learning techniques can make the attendance system completely automated, highly secure, easier to use, and faster to implement than older systems. Nowadays, the Attendance System is becoming increasingly automated, resulting in time-saving, effective, and beneficial solutions that reduce the burden on administration and organizations. In this paper, we suggest an automatic attendance mechanism that is based on Deep Convolutional Neural Networks (DCNN). SeetaFace, a deep convolutional neural network-based face detection system, is employed in this research effort to detect faces in real-time video capture. This implementation is a VIPLFaceNet implementation, to be more specific. AlexNet, which is also a DCNN, is used for image categorization. The experimental results bring four short similarity situations of the classroom such as absence, delayed appearances, early leave, and unauthorized entry during class or session along with the name, student id, and section and passes this information to the attendance sheet which will evaluate the students/persons in the classroom. This methodology saves time when compared to the traditional method of attendance marking, as well as allows organizations to conduct stress-free observations of students and staff.

Bio-metric identification, DCNN, SeetaFace, VIPLFaceNe,t AlexNet, DLA Open CV
Journal or Conference Name
Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems
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