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Review on Multiple Plagiarism: A Performance Comparison Study
Jabir Al Nahian, Abu Kaisar Mohammad Masum, Mehedi Mir Srabon, Sheak Rashed Haider Noori,

Plagiarism is the practice of claiming to be someone else’s content, thoughts or ideas as one’s own without any proper credit and citations. This paper is a survey paper that, represent the some of the great research paper and its comparison that is work done on plagiarism. Now a days, plagiarism became one of the most interesting and crucial research points in Natural Language Processing (NLP) area. We review some old research paper based on different types of plagiarism detection and their models and algorithm, and comparison of the accuracy of those papers. There are many several ways which are available for plagiarism detection in different language. There are a few algorithms to detecting plagiarism. Like, corpus, CL-CNG, LSI, Levenshtein Distance etc. We analysis those papers, and learn that they used different types of algorithms for detecting plagiarism. After experiment those papers, we got that some of the algorithms give a better output and accuracy for detecting plagiarism. We are going to give a review on some papers about Plagiarism and will discuss about the pros and cons of their models. And we also show a propose method for plagiarism detection method which based on sentience separation, word separation and make sentence based on synonym and compare with any sources.

Plagiarism , Computational modeling , Natural language processing , Large scale integration
Journal or Conference Name
2022 13th International Conference on Computing Communication and Networking Technologies, ICCCNT 2022
Publication Year