Widely known as the "Golden
Fiber", jute is regarded as one of the most important and profitable
crops in many countries including Bangladesh. Jute and jute-based
commodities can bring a lot of foreign income and eventually boosts the
overall economy of the country. However, many a time, jute production
gets hindered due to many harmful pests and insects. Even though farmers
identify and take actions against these pests following a manual
procedure, it is often tedious and time-consuming. That is why it may be
very beneficial to have a machine learning-based approach towards pest
detection. This paper proposes a deep CNN model named "PestDetector"
that can correctly identify 4 major types of jute pests (Field Cricket,
Jute Stem Weevil, Spilosoma Obliqua, and Yellow Mite) with substantial
accuracy. The work is done on a total of 2200 images separated into 3
categories: Training, Validation, and Testing. The model ultimately
demonstrates 99.18% training accuracy and 99.00% validation accuracy.
Additionally, the model's overall performance has been assessed using
precision, recall, F1-score, and confusion matrix.