The main aim of this analysis is to determine
the contribution of exports of communication technology, goods and
services, food, and manufacturing exports and foreign investments to
economic growth in Pakistan by utilizing time series data from 1976 to
2019. NARDL (non-linear autoregressive distributed lag) technique is
utilized to encounter the linkages of variables via positive and
negative shocks both in the long run and in the short run. The examined
result of the short run indicates that the export of communication
technology has a productive and adversative linkage to economic progress
during positive and negative shocks. On the other side, exports of
goods and services and food exports have a negative relationship with
economic growth. Similarly, foreign investment exposed the constructive
and negative linkage to economic growth during positive and negative
shocks. Furthermore, manufacturing exports exposed an adversative and
productive association to economic development in Pakistan. Moving
toward the long-run analysis’s results which show communication
technology has constructive and adversative linkages to economic growth.
Exports of goods and services and food exports also uncovered the
adversative association to economic development in Pakistan. The foreign
investment positive and negative shocks show adversative and productive
linkages to economic growth. Furthermore, the variable manufacturing
exports exposed a negative relation with economic growth in Pakistan in
both positive and negative shocks. Based on the examined results, it is
recommended that government policy experts must adopt new steps to boost
exports to support the country’s economic growth.