Brain stroke become a serious cardiovascular and cerebral disease causes of human death. Precisely predicting stroke effect from a set of predictive attributes may classify high-risk patients and guide cure approaches, leading to reduce relative incidence. In respect to, we have collected the information regarding brain stroke patient's data from five renowned hospitals in Bangladesh with connectivity in patients with acute thalamic ischemic stroke (melanoma), Atypical Nevus (cancer risk) and Common Nevus (No cancer risk). In this work, we propose an ensemble based Modified Bootstrap Aggregating (Bagging) technique for pattern classification. Existing bagging algorithm, can usually progress the performance of a single classifier. However, they typically need larger space as well as quite time-consuming predictions. However, our proposed accuracy based pruning bagging method can improve the classification performance and reduce ensemble size. In general, our proposed modified bagging technique is more appropriate than traditional bagging technique for the prediction of brain stroke disease patients with greater accuracy of 96%.