Suitable germplasm and breeding for zinc (Zn)-efficient genotypes has been prioritized to combat Zn deficiency problem. Six maize genotypes were grown in a nutrient solution with or without Zn to identify genotype tolerance to low Zn and its mechanism. Zhongnong 99 was found to be about 2-fold more Zn-efficient than L69 × 178. Young shoot Zn concentration and content was significantly correlated with Zn efficiency (ZE). Furthermore, Zn-efficient genotype as Zhongnong 99 distributed more Zn into young parts of shoot and also developed longer and thinner roots (≤ 0.2 mm) under -Zn conditions than inefficient genotypes. The close relationship (0.82***, 0.88***, 0.90***) between Zn content of young shoots and fine roots indicated that fine roots (≤ 0.2 mm) contributed more efficient Zn uptake into old parts which distributed to young parts. In conclusion, the analysis of young shoots and fine roots (≤ 0.2 mm) represent a suitable screening technique for ZE evaluation of under -Zn conditions.