Bulk RNA sequencing is one type of RNA sequencing technique, as well as targeted RNA sequencing and whole transcriptome sequencing. It provides valuable insights into gene expression in specific cell populations or regions. However, these methods often miss the diversity of cells within complex tissues. This restriction is overcome by single-cell RNA sequencing, which records gene expression at the single-cell level. It offers a detailed picture of the diversity of cells. It is essential to study glucose homeostasis. It offers thorough explanations of cellular variation. Networks and Governance Dynamics The use of scRNA-seq in islet cells is reviewed in this study, along with sample preparation, sequencing, and computational analysis. It highlights advances in understanding cell types. Gene activity and cell interactions. Along with the challenges and limitations of scRNA-seq, this review highlights the importance of scRNA-seq in understanding complex biological processes and diseases. It is an essential resource for future research and method development in this field, which will help to build personalized treatment.