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Implementing E-Commerce Mobile and Web Application for Agricultural Products: e-Farmers' Hut
, F. M. Javed Mehedi Shamrat,
In Bangladesh, the increased number of brokers has resulted in a price increase in the agricultural goods market. They acquire items from farmers at a discount and resell them to consumers at a premium. This deprives farmers, while customers pay an unreasonable price for basic essentials. This study aims to develop an e-commerce mobile and web application called ‘e-Farmers’ Hut' to facilitate direct producer-to-customer engagement. The application goal to maximize the advantages to producers and customers by eliminating middlemen's control. Both applications operate sequentially on the same database. Farmers and customers each have their profile to which they may submit the relevant information. Additionally, to optimize facilities use, also introduced an electronic payment method. Customers may see lists of available items that verified farmers have posted. The application has passed the testing process with expected outcomes. The technology has the ability to considerably simplify direct sales and purchases of items between farmers and consumers.

E-commerce , Mobile Application , Web Application , Farmers , Consumers , Agricultural Product , Web Technology , Electronic Payment
Journal or Conference Name
2022 6th International Conference on Trends in Electronics and Informatics (ICOEI)
Publication Year