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Crowdsourcing review: the crowd workers’ perspective
, Nurul Mohammad Zayed,

Every person is special in some aspects or areas that are very rare in this world. Specialization in any area which is pretty much comfortable for one person could be very tough for another person. Crowdsourcing makes the bridge between specialized persons and employers where employers hire those persons at competitive prices. The new term “crowdsourcing” originated in the last decade to make outsourcing a focused area. The small job market could be replaced by an open global market by proper utilization of crowdsourcing. In addition, there is a strong connection between crowdworkers and migrant workers studying themes and literature. This study has done thematic analysis using a literature review map to know the current research on crowdworkers as well as high-skilled migrant workers in crowdsourcing platforms that will help to identify strengths and limitations in this area. The results suggest that crowdsourcing can be an effective way to connect migrated workers with employers and to drive innovation and problem-solving in a range of industries. As a result, a critical examination of how crowdsourcing is connected to migrated workers is recommended in the future.

Journal or Conference Name
Journal of Industrial and Business Economics
Publication Year