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Radiation doses assessment and radon exhalation rate from the soils of Albyda area, Yemen
, Mayeen Uddin Khandaker,

This work focuses on evaluating the potential health hazards posed by natural radionuclides in soil samples collected from 20 different sites in the Albyda area, Yemen. The activity concentrations of 226Ra, 232Th and 40K and radon exhalation rates in the soil samples were investigated. Alpha GUARD detector was used to estimate 222Rn concentration, while activity levels for natural radionuclides were measured by HPGe detector. The average values obtained for 226Ra, 232Th, and 40K were 27.60 ± 2.40 Bq/kg, 35.07 ± 2.45 Bq/kg, and 544.71 ± 48 Bq/kg, respectively, and for 222Rn concentrations were 135 ± 15 Bq/m3. Our findings show that the concentrations of radionuclides were within the limits of the world average established by UNSCEAR, except the concentrations of 40K, which was slightly higher than the world average (420 Bq/kg), while the average 222Rn concentration was lower than the ICRP reference level of 300 Bq/m3, and the average area exhalation rate 3.46 × 10−5 Bq m−2 s−1 was lower than the UNSCEAR world average of 0.016 Bq m−2 s−1. Therefore, the soil in this study does not pose any radiological hazard to the population due to the harmful effects of ionizing radiation. The results of the current study highlight the potential health hazard posed by radon and radioactivity levels in the soil samples from Albyda area, Yemen, which will help to increase awareness of the radiological hazard and the data could also be used as a reference for future research on radioactivity mapping in the study area.

SoilRadionuclides concentrationAlpha GUARDDose rateRadon exhalation rate
Journal or Conference Name
Nuclear Engineering and Technology
Publication Year