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A Blockchain-Based Approach for Detecting Counterfeit Pharmaceuticals
Farhina Afrin, Iffat Firozy Rimi, Marfi Akter Laboni, Md Sadekur Rahman, Md. Tarek Habib,

Nowadays, the contemplations for improving the item circulation supply structure have been expanded around the world. Simultaneously, it acquires different complexities in the inventory network and things get a lot defiled inside the production network at the hour of cataclysms. For example, alongside the false quality of items, costs to get a colossal illicit raise and unlawful cruel amassing happen to exacerbate things. Henceforth, conveyance costs are present to be uncovered and item data is to be imparted to purchasers. As it is now referenced, dispersion channels are muddled and supply chain management (SCM) is self-sufficiently accomplished in a freeway. For common sense reasons, it has been consistently called attention to that the circulation system isn't straightforward and the dissemination edge is quite high. The motivation behind this examination is to structure a framework that vows the straightforwardness of the item dispersion structure by blockchain on inventory network the board frameworks. This methodology permits organizations just like any purchasers to follow their exchanges, items by upgrading straightforwardness in the Supply Chain Management, accordingly cursing down organizations and gobetweens from selling counterfeit drugs.

Journal or Conference Name
2024 15th International Conference on Computing Communication and Networking Technologies, ICCCNT 2024
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