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Digital Influence: Examining Social Media Marketing Dynamics and How They Affect Consumer Brand Loyalty
, Ummi Naiemah Saraih,

Social media is becoming a medium of choice for businesses to interact with their potential and current customers to establish brand loyalty and grow customer trust in the digital age. This study investigates the complex relationship between social media marketing and its impact on consumer trust and loyalty to brands. A conceptual framework is developed based on the past literature to quantitatively measure the impact of social media marketing on brand trust and customer loyalty (cognitive, affective, conative, and action loyalty). Data was collected from 315 users of a fashion brand that they like and follow on social media. PLSSEM was used to assess the proposed relationships. The findings of the study reveal that social media marketing significantly impacts brand trust and brand loyalty and its dimensions such as cognitive, affective, conative, and action loyalty. The findings of this study offer insightful information for marketers looking to use the power of social media marketing to increase customer trust and loyalty. The results highlight the necessity for a comprehensive strategy that goes beyond simple promotional content and emphasizes developing deep connections with customers to build trust and shaping loyalty in the digital environment. 

Social Media Marketing; Brand Trust; Cognitive Loyalty; Affective Loyalty; Conative Loyalty; Action Loyalty
Journal or Conference Name
WSEAS Transactions on Business and Economics
Publication Year