Measuring the quality of urban life (QOUL) remains a significant metric for improving living circumstances. It is a multifaceted notion that represents people’s perceptions of their current situation and place in life, as well as macroeconomic statistics. Urban environment in the developing countries are not equipped with the best amenities. Chattogram, Bangladesh is a port city where indicators measured in objective terms are not highly satisfactory. This research intends to observe the subjective dimension and promote awareness of the importance of QOUL. Employing convenience sampling procedures, 291 residents from Chattogram, Bangladesh’s commercial capital, were surveyed for this research. The ease of access and appropriate selection of target participants through a convenience sampling facilitated a response rate of 82.67%. From the analysis through SmartPLS, it was observed that all the indicators (Economic condition, Social environment, Physical environment and Impact of COVID 19) were statistically significant at 5% level. The Artificial Neural Network (ANN) model shows that the impact of COVID 19 is the highest in order of importance followed by economic and physical environments in influencing QOUL. The study’s findings have major policy implications since they include recommendations that could potentially lead policymakers in focusing on areas that will boost contentment among Chattogram’s urban people. Innovative programs must be developed to produce and promote improved work prospects while also raising awarenessabout the value of the physical environment.