This study aims to investigate the interrelationships between difficulties and benefits in implementing 3D printing for housing development. A systematic literature review was carried out to identify the difficulties and benefits of implementing 3D printing for housing development. Then, it is followed by data collection through an online questionnaire survey of 113 construction professionals, including consultants, contractors, manufacturers and owners. The valid response received was analyzed using the Kruskal–Wallis, normalized mean analysis, overlap analysis, and correlation analysis. The findings revealed five critical difficulties and eight critical benefits in implementing 3D printing in housing development. Moreover, only one variable overlapped between owners, contractors, consultants and manufacturers for difficulties. Then, five critical benefits overlapped between various organizations. Based on Kruskal–Wallis, only a variable has statistically different opinions for difficulties. Yet, no statistically difference opinion for benefits of 3D printing for housing development. Furthermore, correlation analysis reveals various levels of correlation between difficulties and benefits in implementing 3D printing in housing development. The originality of this study lies on the comprehensive list of difficulties and benefits in implementing 3D printing for housing development. The outcomes provide significant insight for construction professionals and researchers to increase 3D printing implementation in housing development.