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Corporate social responsibility and the financial performance of global banks: the moderating role of corporate tax
, Mohammad Rokibul Kabir,

This study examines the relationship between corporate social responsibility (CSR) disclosure and the financial performance of global banks. This study investigates the moderating role of corporate tax on the nexus between CSR and the financial performance of banks. The sample consists of 233 banks available at Refinitiv Eikon database, and the sample period is between 2013 and 2018. This study tests the hypothesis using the year fixed-effect panel regression model. The findings show that CSR disclosures significantly and positively impact financial performance. Social and governance disclosure poses a positive relation. However, environmental disclosure shows a negative impact. Moreover, this study finds a significant and positive moderating effect of corporate tax between CSR and banks' performance. This study presents valuable insight into stakeholders about banks' CSR disclosure and the country's taxation benefits. Besides, the findings will be helpful for the regulators in implementing the CSR policy and making strategic decisions.

Journal or Conference Name
Journal of Sustainable Finance and Investment
Publication Year