A comprehensive Hog plum leaf disease dataset is greatly needed for agricultural research, precision agriculture, and efficient management of disease. It will find applications toward the formulation of machine learning models for early detection and classification of disease, thus reducing dependency on manual inspections and timely interventions. Such a dataset provides a benchmark for training and testing algorithms, further enhancing automated monitoring systems and decision-support tools in sustainable agriculture. It enables better crop management, less use of chemicals, and more focused agronomical practices. This dataset will contribute to the global research being carried out for the advancement of disease-resistant plant strategy development and efficient management practices for better agricultural productivity along with sustainability. These images have been collected from different regions of Bangladesh. In this work, two classes were used: 'Healthy' and 'Insect hole', representing different stages of disease progression. The augmentation techniques that involve flipping, rotating, scaling, translating, cropping, adding noise, adjusting brightness, adjusting contrast, and scaling expanded a dataset of 3782 images to 20,000 images. These have formed very robust deep learning training sets, hence better detection of the disease.