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Silicon orbital prosthesis: A clinical report
, Sumaiya Zabin Eusuf Zai,

Background: The rehabilitation of facial defects is a complex task requiring a specific design of the technique to be used in individual patient. The disfigurement associated with the loss of an eye can cause significant physical and emotional problems. Various treatment modalities are available, one of which is adhesive retained orbital prosthesis. Although implant orbital pros thesis has a superior outcome, it may not be advisable in ail patients due to economic factors. This clinical report describes the prosthetic restoration of a patient by orbital prosthesis that had right orbital defect. Materials <6 Methods: A 65 year old Thai male, presented to Maxillofacial Prosthetic Service, with the chief complaint of right orbital defect in. He was previously diagnosed as squamous cell carcinoma in right eye. Then he had undergone removal of a tumor with exenteration followed by 6 cycles of chemotherapy. The treatment plan was to fabricate a silicone orbital prosthesis by modifying an ocular prosthesis to achieve ideal fit and esthetics. Result: The patient was esthetically satisfied and further instructions were given for maintenance of the prosthesis. In the 3 months follow up period no evidence of inflammation or irritation has been found. Conclusion: Orbital prosthesis is recommended for patient with orbital defect. The prosthetic device helps to increase patient's quality of life. Multidisciplinary management and team approach are essential in providing accurate and effective rehabilitation.

silicone orbital prosthesis, rehabilitation, carcinoma, implant
Journal or Conference Name
International Medical Journal
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